From : The General Chairperson, Selpius Bobii
Subject : Open
letter of Appeal for Internal Political Compromise for the Nation of Papua.
Nature : Exceedingly
Important / Urgent
To : All Leaders of the Different Components of the Nation of
Papua and to All West
Papuan Activists in every nation.

Greetings of unity and liberation! There is one
absolute must for all components of the nation of Papua both within Papua and
overseas to bring about a Political Compromise to save the Papuan Peoples
Struggle for total freedom. This is to break-through the political rigidity
which has for so long held back the nation of Papua and prevented us from going
forward in our Struggle to victory. This 'political rigidity' referred to is
due to both internal and external factors. Amongst others, several causative
internal factors include:
a) An extreme level of factionalism
b) An
excessive number of organizations
c) Following
own wants and not the national interest
d) The
existence of reactionism
At the same time external factors imposed by the
State of Indonesia increasingly prevent the Struggle going forward and this has
occurred through use of a number of authorized means. Indonesia manipulates the
situation to create scenarios that take advantage of the internal political rigidity of the nation (people) of Papua. The
mechanisms applied by the Republic of Indonesia to defend Papua include
strategies of dividing the people - 'divide and conquer' politics of
colonizers. Such methods were previously similarly applied by the Dutch when
they colonized Indonesia and now the same strategies are being ironically
applied back by the Republic of Indonesia to bring about the collapse of the
Struggle of the people (nation) of Papua.
The present rigidity of the internal politics of
Papua can be broken by a number of approaches, amongst which one is a political
compromise between all the different components of the nation of Papua. The
urgency of internal political compromise is
evident from a recognition of the fact that the primary obstacle to the
Struggle moving forward is the lack of unity amongst the various components of the
nation of Papua. To look in more detail at this lack of unity, the many
components of the nation of Papua are divided into basically three wings:
a) The Military wing
b) The
Civilian wing
c) The
Diplomatic wing
The political
rigidity amongst these three wings is plainly obvious on analysis. The military
wing has broken-down into two strongholds being the National Liberation Army of
West Papua (Tentara Pembebasan Nasional West Papua (TPN- PB)) commenced on 1
July 1971 and the Revolutionary Army of West Papua (Tentara Revolusioner Papua
Barat (TRPB)) as set up by Sam Karoba and his companions. These two divisions
operate totally separately without coordination between the two and without a
central military command. Looking at (b), even the civilian wing is so rigid
that it is indeed fatal. Again and again we roll-out formal and informal forums
to discuss the internal consolidation of the various components of Papua's
Struggle, yet still we haven't succeeded in breaking down the rigidity of
Papua's internal politics (which in fact by this time is so rigid it has'crystallized'.) In terms
of the diplomatic wing, the lack of
unity of the people (nation) of Papua is even impacting on diplomatic players
overseas. Papuan diplomats in a range of countries are these days broken down
into their many 'fortresses', with these structures having been previously
built in the civilian and military wings in the state of West Papua.
The end result, internal political rigidity of the
nation of Papua and this can be seen in the fact that to date:
1) We have yet to become united in terms of the
idealogical concept of 'struggle'
2) We have yet
to become united in our agendas and programs
3) We have yet
to become united into one political body
4) We have yet
to be united under one central political leadership
These are in fact the four most important
determining factors in the Papuan Struggle and precisely those factors which we
have disregarded until the present time. Suppose these four critical elements
could be fulfilled and organized, then the three wings could be coordinated
beneath one command which would be responsible for the politics of the nation
of Papua. The lack of unity of the nation (people) of Papua has resulted in us
throwing away opportunity after opportunity that has existed and has therefore prolonged our wait for the
recognition of full sovereignty. Even though at this time the State of
Indonesia is being pressured by and is receiving requests from the
international community for Republic of Indonesia to enter into dialogue with
the people (nation) of Papua to discuss the problems of Papua, unfortunately
Indonesian Officials are responding by asking 'Indonesia is to enter into dialogue with which leaders of Papua as
Papua has many leaders?'.
There is still a lot of dark
propaganda being spread against Papuans by campaigns of the Indonesian State
via a range of both formal and informal forums that are being held in many
countries of the world in order to convince the world community to reduce the
pressure on Indonesia regarding the many problems in Papua. Notice that whether
consciously or not, we have and continue to paralyze the Struggle of our nation
of Papua with our lack of unity. The State of Indonesia is taking advantage of
our weaknesses to apply politics of 'divide and conquer' and in doing so is
incapacitating the very joints of the Papuan Struggle. They are attacking at
our very roots.
We can't allow this internal political rigidity of
our nation Papua - which until now has slowly-slowly been paralyzing us
internally and externally – to continue. Our Movement is not static but rather
dynamic and at every moment the Freedom Movement moves from one point to another,
and from one phase to the next. There are two possibilities that can eventuate
from our Struggle for Freedom :
a) We move forward quickly ('revolution') or
b) We go backwards / retreat ((becoming a victim of )'evolution')
The Struggle of Papua has now continued for more
than 50 years and the condition of the Struggle lies in the second category
above, that is (becoming a victim of)
evolution. We have yet to lift the status of the Struggle of Papua to the first
category above as our three wings of the Struggle are not yet solid enough to
be able to individually implement tasks as planned, with correct direction,
systematically and in-line with the stated objectives beneath a single
leadership of political command. We would do well to learn from Timor Leste
which only struggled for 24 years (1975-1999) under the reins of Xanana Gusmao
following which they achieved final victory through a referendum. Indeed total
freedom is not as easy as turning over the palm of the hand. It requires
commitment and must be complete and accompanied by perseverance, loyalty,
patience, integrity, sincerity, humility of heart, an attitude of perseverance
and courage to sacrifice and with an attitude of sacrifice without
reward. With this the Struggle will head towards total freedom. The Freedom
Movement is like blood which flows within our arteries and which is kept
pumping by the heart. Our dreams , visions and longings for our nation of Papua
to be totally free, are like the heart which pumps within every child of Papua
and every sympathizer who struggles alongside us wherever they may be. If a
person does not have the pulse of longing for total freedom then he or she has
never been moved or doesn't have a heart to struggle. They just surrender to whatever
will be and accept their conditions like a slave of the colonial regime. But we
have a longing for total freedom. A longing that is itself like a heart that
keeps pumping such that we struggle to break the chains of oppression under the
Republic of Indonesia and it's allies.
Moved by our longings for freedom we have until
now and will continue to struggle together to oppose that oppression in an
atmosphere of constant crises and rigid external politics. For so long now we
have allowed the rigid politics of Indonesia to violently attack us and bring
us down in the Struggle. Now is the time for us to make a commitment together
to breakthrough Indonesia's rigid politics by making an internal political
compromise as the people of Papua.
In order to make sure a compromise there are seven
basic principles which we would need to commit to together, being:
1. That the goal of the Papuan Struggle must be to
achieve our liberty / total freedom through return of our full sovereignty in
order to uphold our self-dignity as individuals and as the nation (people) of
2. That our
Struggle needs to be one and together in the interests of saving the people
(nation) of Papua from marginalization, discrimination, injustice, becoming a
minority in our own land and the extinction of the Papuan ethnic race by slow
but sure means. And that this be our most important and primary task which
requires an urgent response.
3. Our
interests need to be one and the same being to develop the nation of Papua as
our second most important / primary task
4. In the
interests of the unity of the nation of Papua, those partitions created by
those who would divide us and which have grown up fertile until now such as
factionalism, arrogance attitudes of
following own wants and not the national interest and reactionism, must all be
5. The unity of the nation of Papua
must be built on values that bind us together including mutual appreciation,
mutual recognition, mutual strengthening of the other, mutual protection of
each other, solidarity, working together, recognizing of shared destiny,
sharing acceptance of responsibility and humility.
6. Holistic
unity of the nation of Papua must be built based on motivation for internal
political compromise such that we are united on the idealogical concept of the
struggle, united in our agendas, strategies and programs, united in one
political body (without the dismantling of factions and organizations which
exist) and united in political leadership
7. Finally we
must take steps together and operate under a single command in order to reach
the one goal and for our steps to be based on love, faithfulness, honesty,
solidarity, truth, justice, democracy, upholding of human dignity and a respect
of human rights.
These seven basic principles could become
something we grasp hold of together and which could herein become the beginning
of our internal political compromise for the nation of Papua. A compromise
which has at its very core :
a) Compromise in order to agree on the concept
(ideology) of the Struggle
b) Compromise
in order to agree on agendas, strategies and programs
c) Compromise
in order to agree together on a single political body
d) Compromise
in order to agree on, to receive and to recognize those who will take
responsibility for a central political leadership of the nation of Papua.
Internal Political Compromise for Papua will mean
that all components of the nation of Papua will need to soften their hearts in
order to be united in all of the areas (a) to (d) listed above. It is hoped
that the compromise together might involve mature consideration so that the
political choices made and each step taken might bring about results that are
advantageous for our Struggle rather than harmful to our movement. In making
internal political compromises, each one of us will need to consider our
strengths and weaknesses so that we can agree on concepts (ideology), agendas
and strategies, on a body politic and a central political leadership that
can speed up the path to full
A political compromise will require a
consideration of matters including : support for a majority in the Papuan
community; the strength of democracy; the strength of politics; the strength
and extent of organizations; and work strategies. In the Writer’s opinion, the
results of the III National Papuan Congress could well be received as a
'bargaining position' with which the nation of Papua can move forwards towards
those international mechanisms (that will
enable us to receive recognition of our full sovereignty). We must be
careful that we do not choose a 'bargaining position' that is too cheap as our self-worth individually and the value of
our nation must not be reduced again.
The Writer is convicted that our position will
become stronger if we can open our hearts and with a softening of our hearts
together with compromise, receive the results of the III National Papuan
Congress. Even though clearly there will be some Papuans who would find it hard
in their hearts to receive these results. So that by this means we may step
forward together to struggle for legal recognition and restoration of the
powers of administrative governance with our heads lifted up. As our position
is just as high as the Republic of Indonesia -
two nations (Indonesia and Papua) and two states (NKRI - NFRPB).
The road of internal Political Compromise for the
nation of Papua needs to be undertaken within the framework of accelerating the
recognition of restoration of the independent sovereignty of Papua and the
acceleration of carrying out a referendum. After we attain victory, all
components of the nation of Papua will sit together in a democratic forum of
the highest order to organize our nation and state of Papua as desired by the
community of Papua. These matters are some of the more detailed aspects of the
Internal Political Compromise which the writer cannot include here as these are
matters to be discussed and agreed to at the level of leadership of the
different components of the nation of Papua.
In response to this Letter of Appeal, we will with
an open heart await perceptions back from the leaders of the different
components of the nation of Papua
wherever you may be located. We hope the different components of the Struggle
will discuss these matters and take concrete steps towards bringing about an
internal political compromise for the nation of Papua towards international
mechanisms for the purposes of hastening the breaking of the chains of
oppression of the Republic of Indonesia and its allies in West Papua.
If this Internal Political Compromise in order to
hasten our becoming totally united can not occur, then we will seek an alternative mechanism which meets the
agreement of all the components of the nation of Papua together, wheresoever
they may be located.
This letter is but an invitation to act and in
principle is not intended to force or compel those in the Struggle. The Writer
values and respects every effort and sacrifice which is made in the Struggle
for our nation of Papua. Every drop of blood, of sweat and of tears is a
sacrifice of the highest order and cannot be bought with any offer; The only
end is total liberation, full sovereignty for
West Papua. Accordingly this open letter is for consideration and
follow-up by leaders and activists of the various components of the nation of
Papua in its three wings (military, civilian and diplomatic) wherever you may
be. Let us work together to rescue the ship of West Papua which
is being tossed about in the
storm of the political internal and external rigidity.
Thank you.
' Unity without limits, Struggle until Victorious!'

Selpius Bobii
Front PEPERA – West Papua
and Political
Prisoner – Abepura Prison
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