Jumat, 09 September 2011


Indonesia: What BMP Product NKRI Of Papua?
(A Two Idea Pro and Contra in Papua)

by Santon Tekege

On the way my observation, i am see that is BMP: Red-White Troup (Barisan Merah-Putih) in Indonesia a idiocy for person Papua. Because BMP only to happening special to at Papua. Temporary at region other, message inexistence about  BMP in all Indonesia. I am personally even also be big question for NKRI. BMP to happening get just for in island Papua. Now BMP widespread in all Papua with spread million rupiahs to member BMP. Even force upon people Papua to enter to be member BMP. I am to ask why BMP at defray direct by country passes Pangdam Paradise head TNI of Papua?
Temporary person Papua want to want referendum and want to separate from NKRI but now person Papua that enter in member BMP paid fund by NKRI. There happen democracy emptiness and movement space on all negative reality that is undergone by original person Papua. A truth on social reality, sometimes is not corrected and manipulated even hidden by law and Indonesia power in Papua. Sometimes fact is manipulated by Indonesia government personnel. Realita this happen because NKRI paid to hand long government has passed army Indonesia: TNI/POLICE Indonesia, BIN and member BMP in Papua.
They are that be member BMP original some people Papua. In human welfare struggle and earth Papua even also divided two idea. Here very Pro existence clear visible and Contra with KNPB. KNPB always say at public that must there referendum for Papua. Temporary BMP say emphatically that (PAPUA) enter NKRI ceremonially pass PEPERA 1969. In this two idea, want to want where original person Papua? If in the end Papua be held referendum, so clear there will happen murder between member Papua self. Original person Papua that enters in member BMP responsilibities all financing NKRI during the time. Otherwise responsibility so its change original person not sins at moment referendum or moment radical freedom of Papua. Who is wrong? Detail that country and member BMP guilty and break free wish as human before nation God Papua. Therefore, BMP better break up from land of Papua. So here BMP and KNPB in Papua necessary speak and sit with to finish this two ide problem between original person Papua. Don't procrastinate, when needed as soon as it finish this two idea so that society Papua calm alive and peace without two idea under the land Papua. KNPB don't averse DIALOG but refuse emphatically to BMP very smash original person Papua now and then day.
Action demontrasi today, 2 Augusts 2011 clear very visible pro and contra between BMP and KNPB in the action. There that say: Why KNPB ask referendum? KNPB not know that Papua official enter NKRI since pepera 1969. After i look for that statement meaning, obvious one who say that one of  member BMP. Argument clear so visible that two idea existence between BMP and KNPB in demonstration KNPB in Papua today.
If to ask: Why BMP in Papua? Here will appear existence reason BMP in Papua. Because NKRI want to want so that happen original person two idea Papua in liberation struggle for original person Papua. Expressly made so that assorted in social reality concern focus and radical freedom by original person  in Papua. Because fasilitation country, so truth and justice even peace sometimes manipulated by Indonesia government personnel in Papua.
BMP formed when does society Papua voice about "Independence" apart from NKRI. Devil blind heart and think a part society Papua in this time. Class criminal high is growing to pass BMP. World criminal widespread in all Papua is passing abettor NKRI. Democracy space has been limitted by NKRI pass police country personnel/Police and TNI. Country has broken level and human dignity under the land of Papua. Because fact is showing that society Papua is experiencing limitation democracy space and freedom united. Even NKRI break society Papua with BMP and unfoldment in Papua. There BMP say that Papua ceremonially enter of NKRI and NKRI fixed price passes PEPERA 1969. Temporary society Papua admit that Pepera engineer result and many menipulation by army Indonesia and police Indonesia moment Pepera 1969 in Papua. Society Papua admit that when Pepera that army Indonesia (TNI) and government personnel (POLRI) has done violence action: Threatened with with weapon, Trained language: Permanent joint forces with Indonesia final because fear 1025 person original Papua from various regions that chosen that is permanent has defended to joint forces with Indonesia.
Here happen freedom space restriction and democracy so that society see this matter as Human Right (HAM) infringement centre  in Papua. fact in this time even also we can see in all Papua. Here very attractive for example: 1 july every year society Papua always seberation the day as the independence history as a nation that grabed by NKRI pass victimization and class victimization high by Indonesia. In year this, society wants to celebrate worship celebration hut according together at burial Theis at Sentani. Doesn't hold action and assault public of NKRI this. But activists and civil society is caught. Final army Indonesia (TNI)  and police Indonesia (POLRI) has limitted celebration programme with at burial Theis at Sentani. Here appear question: Indonesia: Where is freedom space and democracy under in land Papua?
Now finally from BMP in Papua can happen solution between original person Papua. Original person Papua is two entrenchments. Entrenchment one pro NKRI (BMP) and other entrenchment contra NKRI (KNRI). I am personally very less clear with two this entrenchments. Is second this entrenchment inspire the humanity value under in the land Papua? Who is actually second this entrenchment? Is second this entrenchment ponder self as existing? NKRI pass army Indonesia (TNI) and police Indonesia (POLRI) in Papua and as a original Papua: See and aware selp "existing not not"  and your children at future under in the land Papua this.
Member BMP if you as a original Papua: Moment it to return to road that determined by God we. See and aware selp as original person human Papua. You a dusky skin great grand father router and curl hair. Don't two ideas, also don't branch off heart even don't wolf for original person Papua vs one who guiltless. Original person Papua one not two. Not also different complexion. Now BMP of Papua and member Papua that branch off heart and idea returns to true road, fair and peace, return in god our God passes to regret radical not half.
I say that target ends that want achieved by NKRI pass personnel Army Indonesia (TNI) and police Indonesia (POLRI) even pass BMP murder and original person annihilation Papua from earth Papua this. Abattoir for one who contra with NKRI. I think that land Papua land that blessed by God and land peace , so necessary averse all original person smash devil crime Papua. Original person Papua in this time the important to says not if matter on the market less good and oppose against God wish. Original person Papua moment it for ally returns and oppose and act true, fair and peace on all crime that made by Indonesia government personnel in Papua. Finishly formation BMP in Papua official made by Indonesia country passes head army area Papua Paradice (Pangdam TNI) and police Indonesia in Papua by broken slit people Papua not sin and wrong all at once limit freedom space and democracy of Papua. All Indonesia plan passes army Indonesia (TNI)/Police Indonesia (POLRI) and BMP very danger and problem or violence conflict even also will increase also so that anxiety and original person solicitude Papua even also more increases under the land of Papua. Here very supposed so that person lives in peacefulness atmosphere and bonviolence between human with human. BMP soon be stopped from all activity later will harm original person Papua self. Person Papua bonmember BMP very averse emphatically from earth Papua this. There is no Pro word and Contra but wanted mutual appreciate level and status as human appropriate the existence and truth on realita social under the land of Papua.

Author: Human Right Activist in STFT-Fajar Timur Abepura-PAPUA-INDONESIA


Indonesia: What BMP Product NKRI Of Papua?
(A Two Idea Pro and Contra in Papua)

by Santon Tekege

On the way my observation, i am see that is BMP: Red-White Troup (Barisan Merah-Putih) in Indonesia a idiocy for person Papua. Because BMP only to happening special to at Papua. Temporary at region other, message inexistence about  BMP in all Indonesia. I am personally even also be big question for NKRI. BMP to happening get just for in island Papua. Now BMP widespread in all Papua with spread million rupiahs to member BMP. Even force upon people Papua to enter to be member BMP. I am to ask why BMP at defray direct by country passes Pangdam Paradise head TNI of Papua?
Temporary person Papua want to want referendum and want to separate from NKRI but now person Papua that enter in member BMP paid fund by NKRI. There happen democracy emptiness and movement space on all negative reality that is undergone by original person Papua. A truth on social reality, sometimes is not corrected and manipulated even hidden by law and Indonesia power in Papua. Sometimes fact is manipulated by Indonesia government personnel. Realita this happen because NKRI paid to hand long government has passed army Indonesia: TNI/POLICE Indonesia, BIN and member BMP in Papua.
They are that be member BMP original some people Papua. In human welfare struggle and earth Papua even also divided two idea. Here very Pro existence clear visible and Contra with KNPB. KNPB always say at public that must there referendum for Papua. Temporary BMP say emphatically that (PAPUA) enter NKRI ceremonially pass PEPERA 1969. In this two idea, want to want where original person Papua? If in the end Papua be held referendum, so clear there will happen murder between member Papua self. Original person Papua that enters in member BMP responsilibities all financing NKRI during the time. Otherwise responsibility so its change original person not sins at moment referendum or moment radical freedom of Papua. Who is wrong? Detail that country and member BMP guilty and break free wish as human before nation God Papua. Therefore, BMP better break up from land of Papua. So here BMP and KNPB in Papua necessary speak and sit with to finish this two ide problem between original person Papua. Don't procrastinate, when needed as soon as it finish this two idea so that society Papua calm alive and peace without two idea under the land Papua. KNPB don't averse DIALOG but refuse emphatically to BMP very smash original person Papua now and then day.
Action demontrasi today, 2 Augusts 2011 clear very visible pro and contra between BMP and KNPB in the action. There that say: Why KNPB ask referendum? KNPB not know that Papua official enter NKRI since pepera 1969. After i look for that statement meaning, obvious one who say that one of  member BMP. Argument clear so visible that two idea existence between BMP and KNPB in demonstration KNPB in Papua today.
If to ask: Why BMP in Papua? Here will appear existence reason BMP in Papua. Because NKRI want to want so that happen original person two idea Papua in liberation struggle for original person Papua. Expressly made so that assorted in social reality concern focus and radical freedom by original person  in Papua. Because fasilitation country, so truth and justice even peace sometimes manipulated by Indonesia government personnel in Papua.
BMP formed when does society Papua voice about "Independence" apart from NKRI. Devil blind heart and think a part society Papua in this time. Class criminal high is growing to pass BMP. World criminal widespread in all Papua is passing abettor NKRI. Democracy space has been limitted by NKRI pass police country personnel/Police and TNI. Country has broken level and human dignity under the land of Papua. Because fact is showing that society Papua is experiencing limitation democracy space and freedom united. Even NKRI break society Papua with BMP and unfoldment in Papua. There BMP say that Papua ceremonially enter of NKRI and NKRI fixed price passes PEPERA 1969. Temporary society Papua admit that Pepera engineer result and many menipulation by army Indonesia and police Indonesia moment Pepera 1969 in Papua. Society Papua admit that when Pepera that army Indonesia (TNI) and government personnel (POLRI) has done violence action: Threatened with with weapon, Trained language: Permanent joint forces with Indonesia final because fear 1025 person original Papua from various regions that chosen that is permanent has defended to joint forces with Indonesia.
Here happen freedom space restriction and democracy so that society see this matter as Human Right (HAM) infringement centre  in Papua. fact in this time even also we can see in all Papua. Here very attractive for example: 1 july every year society Papua always seberation the day as the independence history as a nation that grabed by NKRI pass victimization and class victimization high by Indonesia. In year this, society wants to celebrate worship celebration hut according together at burial Theis at Sentani. Doesn't hold action and assault public of NKRI this. But activists and civil society is caught. Final army Indonesia (TNI)  and police Indonesia (POLRI) has limitted celebration programme with at burial Theis at Sentani. Here appear question: Indonesia: Where is freedom space and democracy under in land Papua?
Now finally from BMP in Papua can happen solution between original person Papua. Original person Papua is two entrenchments. Entrenchment one pro NKRI (BMP) and other entrenchment contra NKRI (KNRI). I am personally very less clear with two this entrenchments. Is second this entrenchment inspire the humanity value under in the land Papua? Who is actually second this entrenchment? Is second this entrenchment ponder self as existing? NKRI pass army Indonesia (TNI) and police Indonesia (POLRI) in Papua and as a original Papua: See and aware selp "existing not not"  and your children at future under in the land Papua this.
Member BMP if you as a original Papua: Moment it to return to road that determined by God we. See and aware selp as original person human Papua. You a dusky skin great grand father router and curl hair. Don't two ideas, also don't branch off heart even don't wolf for original person Papua vs one who guiltless. Original person Papua one not two. Not also different complexion. Now BMP of Papua and member Papua that branch off heart and idea returns to true road, fair and peace, return in god our God passes to regret radical not half.
I say that target ends that want achieved by NKRI pass personnel Army Indonesia (TNI) and police Indonesia (POLRI) even pass BMP murder and original person annihilation Papua from earth Papua this. Abattoir for one who contra with NKRI. I think that land Papua land that blessed by God and land peace , so necessary averse all original person smash devil crime Papua. Original person Papua in this time the important to says not if matter on the market less good and oppose against God wish. Original person Papua moment it for ally returns and oppose and act true, fair and peace on all crime that made by Indonesia government personnel in Papua. Finishly formation BMP in Papua official made by Indonesia country passes head army area Papua Paradice (Pangdam TNI) and police Indonesia in Papua by broken slit people Papua not sin and wrong all at once limit freedom space and democracy of Papua. All Indonesia plan passes army Indonesia (TNI)/Police Indonesia (POLRI) and BMP very danger and problem or violence conflict even also will increase also so that anxiety and original person solicitude Papua even also more increases under the land of Papua. Here very supposed so that person lives in peacefulness atmosphere and bonviolence between human with human. BMP soon be stopped from all activity later will harm original person Papua self. Person Papua bonmember BMP very averse emphatically from earth Papua this. There is no Pro word and Contra but wanted mutual appreciate level and status as human appropriate the existence and truth on realita social under the land of Papua.

Author: Human Right Activist in STFT-Fajar Timur Abepura-PAPUA

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Indonesia: Apakah BMP buatan NKRI di Papua?
(Sebuah Dualisme KNPB Dibalik BMP di Papua)

by Santon Tekege

            Dalam perjalanan pantauanku, saya mencermati bahwa BMP (Barisan Merah-Putih) di Indonesia adalah sebuah kebodohan bagi orang Papua. Karena BMP hanya diberlakukan khusus untuk di Papua. Sementara di daerah lain, tidak adanya berita tentang BMP di seluruh Indonesia. Saya secara pribadi pun menjadi pertanyaan besar  bagi NKRI. BMP diberlakukan hanya untuk di pulau Papua. Kini BMP tersebar di seluruh Papua dengan tersebarnya bermilyaran rupiah kepada anggota BMP. Bahkan memaksakan rakyat Papua untuk masuk menjadi anggota BMP. Saya menjadi bertanya mengapa BMP di biayai langsung oleh Negara melalui Pangdam Papua?
Sementara KNPB hendak menyuarakan referendum dan mau berpisah dari NKRI tetapi kini orang Papua yang masuk dalam anggota BMP dibayar dana oleh NKRI. Jika KNPB berkata: REFERENDUM HARGA MATI BAGI PAPUA. KNPB selalu tampil di mana-mana untuk menyuarakan jeritan dan kehendak rakyat untuk referendum. Namun dibalik KNPB, telah tersebar BMP di Papua. BMP berkata: NKRI HARGA MATI DI PAPUA. Itulah dualisme yang sedang terjadi di Papua. Karena BMP itu, di sana terjadi kevakuman demokrasi dan ruang gerak atas segala realitas negatif yang dialami oleh orang asli di bumi Papua. Sebuah kebenaran atas realitas sosial, kadang tidak dibenarkan dan dimanipulasi bahkan disembunyikan demi hukum dan kekuasaan Indonesia di Papua. Kadang fakta dimanipulasi oleh kaki tangan pemerintah Indonesia. Realita ini terjadi karena NKRI telah dibayar kepada kaki-tangan Pemerintah melalui TNI/POLRI, BIN dan anggota BMP di Papua.
Mereka yang menjadi anggota BMP adalah sebagian orang asli Papua. Dalam perjuangan keselamatan manusia dan bumi Papua pun terbagi dualisme. Di sini sangat nampak jelas adanya pro dan kontra dengan KNPB. KNPB selalu mengatakan di publik bahwa harus ada referendum bagi Papua. Sementara BMP berkata dengan tegas bahwa (PAPUA) telah masuk NKRI dengan resmi melalui PEPERA 1969. Dalam dualisme ini, hendak mau kemanakan orang asli Papua? Jika pada akhirnya Papua akan diadakan referendum, maka jelas di sana akan terjadi pembunuhan antara warga Papua sendiri. Orang asli Papua yang masuk dalam anggota BMP dipertanggungjawabkan segala pembiayaan NKRI selama ini. Jika tidak dipertanggungjawabkan maka gantinya adalah orang asli yang tak berdosa di saat referendum atau saat kebebasan radikal bagi Papua. Siapa salah? Jelasnya bahwa negara dan anggota BMP telah bersalah dan melanggar kehendak bebas sebagai manusia di hadapan Allah bangsa Papua. Oleh karena itu, BMP lebih baik bubar saja dari tanah Papua. Jadi di sini BMP dan KNPB di Papua perlu bicara dan duduk bersama untuk menyelesaikan masalah dualisme ini di antara orang asli Papua. Jangan tunda-tunda, bila perlu secepatnya selesaikan dualisme ini agar masyarakat Papua hidup tenang dan damai tanpa dualisme di bumi Papua. KNPB jangan menolak DIALOG tetapi tolak dengan tegas kepada BMP yang sangat menghancurkan orang asli Papua kini dan kemudian hari.
Aksi demontrasi pada, 2 Agustus 2011 jelas sangat nampak Pro dan Kontra antara BMP dan KNPB dalam aksinya. Ada yang berkata: Mengapa KNPB minta referendum? KNPB tidak tahukah bahwa Papua telah resmi masuk KNRI sejak PEPERA 1969 itu. Setelah saya mencari makna pernyataan itu, ternyata orang yang berkata itu adalah salah satu anggota BMP. Argument tersebut jelas nampak sekali bahwa adanya dualisme antara BMP dan KNPB dalam demontrasi KNPB di Papua hari ini.
            Jika ditanya mengapa BMP ada di Papua? Di sini akan muncul alasan adanya BMP di Papua. Karena NKRI hendak mau agar terjadi dualisme orang asli Papua dalam perjuangan pembebasan bagi orang asli Papua. Sengaja dibuat supaya terbagi-bagi dalam fokus keprihatinan realitas sosial dan kebebasan radikal oleh orang asli di Papua. Karena difasilitasi negara, maka kebenaran dan keadilan bahkan perdamaian kadang dimanipulasi oleh kaki tangan pemerintah Indonesia di Papua.
            BMP terbentuk ketika Masyarakat Papua menyuarakan tentang “Kemerdekaan” terpisah dari NKRI. Iblis membutakan hati dan pikiran sebagian masyarakat Papua saat ini. Penjahat kelas kakap sedang tumbuh melalui BMP. Penjahat dunia sedang tersebar di seluruh Papua melalui kakitangan NKRI. Ruang demokrasi telah dibatasi oleh NKRI melalui kaki tangan Negara POLRI dan TNI. Negara telah melanggar harkat dan martabat manusia di bumi Papua. Karena kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Papua sedang mengalami ketertutupan ruang demokrasi dan kebebasan berserikat. Bahkan NKRI telah memecahkan masyarakat Papua dengan BMP dan pemekaran di Papua. Di sana BMP mengatakan bahwa Papua dengan resmi telah masuk di NKRI dan NKRI harga mati melalui Pepera 1969. Sementara masyarakat Papua mengakui bahwa Pepera adalah hasil rekayasa dan banyak menipulasi oleh TNI dan POLRI saat Pepera 1969. Masyarakat Papua mengakui bahwa ketika Pepera itu TNI dan kaki tangan pemerintah telah melakukan tindakan kekerasan: ditodong dengan senjata, diajari bahasa: tetap bergabung dengan Indonesia akhirnya karena ketakutan 1025 orang asli Papua dari berbagai daerah yang telah dipilih itu tetap mempertahankan bergabung dengan Indonesia.
Di sini telah terjadi pembatasan ruang kebebasan dan demokrasi sehingga masyarakat melihat hal ini sebagai pusat pelanggaran HAM di Papua. Kenyataan saat ini pun kita bisa cermati di seluruh Papua. Di sini sangat menarik sebagai contoh: 1 Juli setiap tahun masyarakat Papua selalu meyarakan harinya sebagai sejarah kemerdekaannya sebagai sebuah bangsa yang telah direbut oleh NKRI melalui pembohongan dan penipuan kelas kakap oleh Indonesia. Dalam tahun ini, masyarakat hendak merayakan perayaan ibadat HUTnya secara bersama di pemakaman Theis di Sentani. Bukan mengadakan aksi dan makar dipublik di NKRI ini. Namun para aktivis dan masyarakat sipil ditangkap. Akhirnya TNI dan POLRI telah membatasi acara perayaan bersama di pemakaman Theis di Sentani. Di sini muncul pertanyaan: INDONESIA: Dimanakah ruang kebebasan dan demokrasi di bumi Papua?
            Kini akibatnya dari BMP di Papua dapat terjadi pemecahan antara orang asli Papua. Orang asli Papua menjadi dua kubu. Kubu yang satu pro NKRI (BMP) dan kubu yang lain kontra NKRI (KNPB). Saya secara pribadi sangat kurang jelas dengan dua kubu ini. Apakah kedua kubu ini dapat menghayati nilai kemanusiaannya di bumi Papua? Siapakah sebenarnya kedua kubu ini? Apakah kedua kubu ini telah merenungkan diri sebagai yang ada? NKRI melalui TNI dan POLRI di Papua dan sebagai orang asli Papua: Lihat dan sadarlah dirimu “yang ada bukan tiada” dan anak-anakmu di masa depan di bumi Papua ini.
            Anggota BMP jika kalian sebagai orang asli Papua: Saatnya untuk kembali ke jalan yang telah ditentukan oleh Tuhan Allah kita. Lihat dan sadarlah akan dirimu sebagai manusia orang asli Papua. Kalian adalah penerus moyang kulit hitam dan rambut keriting. Jangan dua pikiran, pula jangan bercabang hati bahkan jangan serigala bagi orang asli Papua notabene orang yang tak bersalah. Orang asli Papua adalah satu bukan dua. Bukan pula warna kulit yang berbeda. Kini BMP di Papua dan warga Papua yang bercabang hati dan pikiran kembali ke jalan yang benar, adil dan damai, kembali kepada Tuhan Allah kita melalui pertobatan radikal bukan setengah-setengah.
            Saya mengatakan bahwa target akhir yang hendak dicapai oleh NKRI melalui kaki tangan TNI dan POLRI bahkan melalui BMP adalah pembunuhan dan pemusnahan orang asli Papua dari bumi Papua ini. Pembantaian bagi orang yang kontra dengan NKRI. Saya berpikir bahwa TANAH PAPUA adalah tanah yang diberkati oleh Tuhan dan tanah damai, maka perlu menolak segala kejahatan iblis yang menghancurkan orang asli Papua. Orang asli Papua saat ini pentingnya untuk mengatakan tidak jika hal yang ditawarkan kurang bagus dan bertentangan dengan kehendak Allah. Orang asli Papua saatnya untuk bersatu kembali dan melawan dan bertindak benar, adil dan damai atas segala kejahatan yang dibuat oleh kaki tangan pemerintah Indonesia di Papua. Akhrinya pembentukan BMP di Papua adalah resmi dibuat oleh Negara Indonesia melalui Pangdam (TNI) dan POLRI di Papua demi memecah belah rakyat Papua yang tak berdosa dan salah sekaligus membatasi ruang kebebasan dan demokrasi di Papua. Segala rencana Indonesia melalui TNI/POLRI dan BMP sangat bahaya dan masalah atau konflik kekerasan pun akan bertambah pula sehingga kecemasan dan kekhawatiran orang asli Papua pun semakin meningkat di bumi Papua. Di sini sangat diharapkan agar orang hidup dalam suasana kedamaian dan tanpa kekerasan di antara manusia dengan manusia. BMP segera dihentikan dari segala aktivitas yang nantinya akan merugikan orang asli Papua sendiri. Orang Papua yang bukan anggota BMP sangat menolak dengan tegas dari bumi Papua ini. Tidak ada kata pro dan kontra tetapi dibutuhkan saling menghargai harkat dan martbat sebagai manusia sesuai eksistensinya dan kebenaran atas realita sosial di bumi Papua.

Penulis: Aktivis HAM di STFT-Fajar Timur Abepura-Papua