Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Reportase Aksi Dukung Peluncuran IPWP in Australia World

Reportase Aksi Dukung Peluncuran IPWP di Australia

March 2, 2012 Year

KNPBnews – Berikut foto-foto reportasi  aksi di berbagai wilayah di West Papua menuntut hak penentuan nasip sendiri (self determination melalui referendum untuk kemerdekaan West Papua dan dukungan rakyat Papua Barat terhadap peluncuran International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) chapter Australia-Pasific di Canbera, Australia pada 28 Februari 2012. Aksi KNPB di Jayapura
Dibawah piminan KNPB dan Parlemen Rakyat di wilayah Numbay, pusat kota di West Papua, ribuan rakyat Papua Barat memadati lapangan makam alm. Theys H. Eluay, Sentani. Sebelumnya, ribuan massa melakukan long march dari arah Abepura hingga Sentani. Jayapura lumpuh sehari.
Rakyat Papua di Merauke Turun Jalan
Di Merauke, dibawah koordinator KNPB wilayah Merauke, Rakyat Papua melakukan demonstrasi mendukung peluncuran IPWP di Canbera Australia.
Aksi Dukungan Dari Yalimo
Rakyat  West Papua dimediasi oleh KNPB Yalimo melakukan aksi dukungan atas peluncuran Internasional Parlementarian for West Papua di Australia, Pasifik:
Konferensi Pers Di SorongK
NPB di Sorong melakukan konferensi pers mendukung Peluncuran IPWP chapter Austraila dan Pasific.
Rakyat Biak Dukung Peluncuran IPWP
Di Biak, dibawah koordinasi KNPB, rakyat West Papua turun jalan mendukung peluncuran IPWP kawasan Austraila dan Pasific yang berlangsung di gedung Parlemen Australia di Canbera.
Di Mimika, Aksi Dukungan oleh Ribuan Massa
Ribuan massa dibawah koordinasi KNPB dan Parlemen rakyat daerah Mimika, ribuan rakyat West Papua beramai-ramai turun jalan mendukung terbentuknya IPWP.
Mamberamo Tengah Dukung Peluncuran IPWP
Rakyat di wilayah Mamberamo Tengah, dibawah koordinasi KNPB wilayah Mamberamo juga melakukan aksi dukungan terhadap peluncuran IPWP.
Di Nabire, Turun Jalan
Rakyat West Papua di Nabire dibawah koordinasi KNPB melakukan aksi turun jalan menuntut referendum dan mendukung peluncuran IPWP di Canbera, Australia.
Aksi Dukungan IPWP dari Manokwari
Rakyat West Papua di Manokwari juga melakukan aksi sambut peluncuran IPWP chapter Australia dan Pasific di Cabera. Aksi dilakukan dibawah koordinasi DAP, NFRPB dan KNPB.
Di Fak-fak Aksi Dukungan Berbuntut Penangkapan Aktivis
Dari Fak-Fak dilaporkan, aksi yang dilakukan oleh rakyat Papua berbuntut penangkapan terhadap beberapa aktivis yaitu:
  1. Siswanto Tigtigweria
  2. Lukas Hegemur
  3. Quartus Ndoratndorat
  4. Modestus Komber
  5. Yeheskal Hegemur
  6. Nikson Hindom
  7. Pazco Hindom
  8. Samuel Rohrohmana
  9. Amos Wagab
  10. Renol Hegemur
Aksi Dukung IPWP di Wamena
Dari Wamena, ribuan rakyat West Papua dibawah koornasi KNPB melakukan aksi tuntut referendum dan mendukung peluncuran IPWP di Australia.

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Parliementerians for West Papua Forum Australia-Asia Pasific

CATHERINE DELAHUNTY (Green): Tēnā koe, Mr Speaker, Tēnā koutou te Whare.
Yesterday at the Australian Senate in Canberra, I was present at the launch of the Australian International Parliamentarians for West Papua, hosted by the Australian Green Senator Richard Di Natale. Also present were Green, Labour, and liberal members of the Australian Senate, and a number of West Papuan leaders-in-exile. We were also pleased to welcome the international lawyers for West Papua, represented by Jennifer Robinson—who, coincidentally, is the lawyer for the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange — and the MP for Vanuatu, MP Ralph Regenvanu.

The Acting Foreign Minister of Labour in the Australian Parliament opposed the participation of the Labour members coming to our launch, but some of them came anyway. This was interesting in itself. Why was there an issue, and why would anyone want to stop the participation of MPs on an issue of this regional importance.
My plea to this House is that all of us, across parties, act responsibly in support of the freedom and justice and human rights of West Papua.
If New Zealand citizens wish to raise a flag within this nation, whether it is the tino rangatiratanga flag or the All Blacks flag, no one gets locked up. If a citizen in West Papua raises the flag, the Morning Star flag it is called, they face 15 years in prison. Since 1969 these people have lived under a level of oppression that no one should have to accept, and the New Zealand and Australian Governments have been largely silent. Right now in a country just north of Australia, the Indonesian military enforces these laws, tortures, and murders citizens. Right now, five West Papuan leaders are in prison for daring to hold a meeting in a soccer field—because they were not allowed a building—to discuss self-determination issues—self-determination being the right of citizens to choose their own governance. The Jayapura Five face trial in an environment that is neither safe nor just.
The New Zealand Green Party in conjunction with the other international parliamentarians are calling for a regional solidarity and support for West Papua. We wish to see things happen immediately, like the Red Cross, who were expelled from West Papua. Which other country in this region has the Red Cross been expelled from, and yet our Governments turn their backs. For the recognition of these people's Melanesian status at the Pacific Island forum, which other Melanesian country is kept out of the forum by Governments such as ours? For journalists access, which other country are no international journalists allowed across the border, and why are we colluding with this?
New Zealand has military ties with Indonesia. These include bilateral training and symbolic recognition of what is happening in West Papua. What the parliamentarians internationally and in this House who are friends of West Papua are calling for is a recognition that there needs to be peace, there needs to be justice, and there needs to be human rights. We have a proud tradition in this House of standing up for our more vulnerable neighbours in these issues. Without the New Zealand Government I have been assured by many Pacific people that Bougainville could not have been negotiated—and that was a National Government. It was very important that we led with our role in supporting East Timor after the holocaust in East Timor for its citizens. Yet, we are still silent, still colluding, over the issue of West Papua.
The people of West Papua who are refugees, and who attended the meeting in Canberra yesterday, are asking for us to take a constructive role in the region and calling for a peaceful dialogue with Indonesia. It is not about attacking an important neighbour like Indonesia. It is not about denying the relationship. It is about saying to Indonesia: "Yes, democracy is developing positively in your country, but something is happening in a dark corner, which you are not prepared to talk about—and we want to help you talk about it."
The "Land of the Morning Star" is not only victim to human rights abuses but to illegal logging. When I came into this House and put forward a bill to stop the loopholes for the products of illegal logging, it was voted down immediately by the Government, and yet this is part of the blood on the barbecue; this is part of what happens when we allow kwila , which is illegally logged by the military in West Papua, to be brought into our country. We are also implicated through the Freeport-McMoRan mine. If you have never heard the word "Freeport-McMoRan", go and google it, and have a look on the map at these vast, huge, open-cast pits that have been dug in what they call the "head of the mother".
The "Land of the Morning Star" is the one place where you cannot raise a flag, and it is the one place where people are being tortured and killed. My plea to this House is that all of us, across parties, act responsibly in support of the freedom and justice and human rights of West Papua.



Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Opinion West Papua

Bird of Paradise papua (photo illust)

Thirteen years ago today, Papua’s “Team 100” was invited by then president BJ Habibie to hold a national dialogue to discuss the Papua issue at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta. 

It was no ordinary event. On the contrary, it was an extraordinary gathering of Papua’s leaders prompted by a widespread call for independence in the nation’s easternmost province. 
It was marked by public demonstrations and the raising of the Papuan flag in a several cities. 
All of this met with a harsh response from security forces. All of this occurred in the wake of the euphoria of Indonesia’s transition to democracy. 
More Orginal teks:Thejakartapost.com/
During the meeting 13 years ago, Team 100 leader Tom Beanal bluntly expressed Papuans’ desire to form an independent state separate from Indonesia. 
This unexpected call shocked Habibie, as well as his Cabinet, who responded by asking Tom to return home and think things over. 
The meeting did not result in anything meaningful. However, it became a milestone for Papuans, who presented their political aspirations with dignity and honor. 
It must be underlined that none of Team 100 were arrested or charged with treason, as is now happening with the president of the so-called Federal Republic of West Papua, Forkorus Yaboisembut, and four of his followers who are being tried for alleged treason and are facing life imprisonment.
Thirteen years on, Papua’s cry for dialogue remains loud. In response, the Yudhoyono administration has held private and formal meetings with Papuan church leaders twice.
 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has also appointed two special representatives, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Bambang Darmono and Dr. Farid Hussain, to address the issue of dialogue through different mechanisms. 
What next in the last two years of Yudhoyono’s presidency? What can we expect as follow up? Will we see political negotiations, as we have seen in Aceh? All these questions remain unanswered.
As we know, dialogue is not the only game in town. Some Papuans do not share this view and have publicly expressed their determination to pursue international legal mediation to bring independence to Papuan. 
However, it remains unclear to the public how this option could be achieved. Others have been advocating for Indonesia to recognize the sovereign state of Papua. 
These advocates have been charged with treason and now are standing trial.
In daily life, we are confronted with other questions that. For instance, what will happen when Papua finally holds its long-delayed gubernatorial election? 
Can the continuing violence in Papua’s highlands and the area near PT Freeport Indonesia’s operations be terminated? 
The violence in those areas have caused a lot of tension, damage and deaths that urgently need to be addressed.
On the government side, we also observe a number of different interpretations on how to conduct a dialogue. 
One approach holds that the dialog should be about Papua and not between Jakarta and Papua, as proposed by many voices in Papua. The logic of this argument is that Papua is part of Indonesia. 
So the polarization of Jakarta and Papua will not help solve the problem. Rather, all stakeholders in Papua should have an equal opportunity to discuss the fate of Papua.
Following the Aceh model, other proponents argue that negotiations should be bipartisan, involving representatives from the Indonesian government and their Papuan counterparts. But this approach still augurs the question of who Papua’s representatives are and whether Papuans can be united. 
Another approach asserts limits on any negotiations on the territorial integrity of Indonesia while preparing to offer a wide range of concessions, including granting amnesty for political prisoners, reviewing the 1969 Act of Free Choice, addressing human rights abuses and reviewing the implementation of special autonomy for Papua. 
The last approach co-opts the whole point of dialogue by creating parallel events to discuss the same issues, albeit infused with completely different notions. 
In the long run this may cause distraction and confusion if negotiations between Jakarta and Papua are realized. 
Obviously, for the government, a Papuan dialogue is not the only game in town either. The Yudhoyono administration confronts many equally pressing issues, such as its energy policy, which has already sparked strong opposition from political opponents.
Meanwhile, unresolved corruption scandals continue to undermine the government’s legitimacy and its capacity to deliver public service.
Nevertheless, if we look back to 1999, Papua’s call for dialogue has not been resolved after 13 years, whereas preliminary engagement between Jakarta and Papua has signaled something positive. 
It is time to take advantage of the goodwill from both sides despite all differences, which are common in any political settings. 
The window of opportunity under the current administration will not be open for much longer and none of us can guarantee whether the next administration will still be willing to engage in dialogue. 
It is also the time for Yudhoyono to conclude his final term by contributing to Indonesia’s democracy and resolving the problem of Papua once for all.

The writer is a Franciscan friar and former director of the Office of Justice and Peace of the Catholic Church in Jayapura, Papua. He is currently pursuing a doctorate at the Australian National University.

Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Pastor Minta Persidangan yang Transparan atas Lima Aktivis Papua

Pastor Minta Persidangan yang Transparan kepada Lima Aktivis Papua

CathNews 1/2/12:Koordinator Jaringan Damai Papua (JDP) Pastor Neles Tebay mendukung desakan Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan (KontraS) bahwa persidangan terhadap lima aktivis Papua harus berjalan secara transparan.

“Sidang ini tidak terkait politik. Maka orang dibiarkan mengikuti jalannya persidangan,” kata imam itu kepada ucanews.com belum lama ini.

Namun, ia meragukan tentang pengadilan itu sendiri, karena kemungkinan akan dipersulit kalau dikaitkan dengan politik dan menjadi kendala untuk dialog diantara pemerintah Indonesia dan rakyat Papua.

Menurutnya, dialog merupakan satu-satunya cara untuk menyelesaikan konflik yang sedang berlangsung.

“Dialog akan lebih membantu menyelesaikan konflik,” tegas Rektor Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat dan Teologi Fajar Timur Abepura di Jayapura.

KontraS di Jakarta menekankan pentingnya keadilan dan transparansi terhadap persidangan lima warga Papua yang dituduh makar karena mereka mendeklarasikan Negara Papua Barat.

Kelima orang itu ditangkap bulan Oktober ketika polisi membubarkan Kongres Rakyat Papua III setelah beberapa delegasi mengibarkan bendera Bintang Kejora, simbol dari gerakan kemerdekaan Papua.

Lima orang, yang diadili pekan lalu itu adalah: Forkorus Yaboisembut, yang terpilih sebagai presiden Republik Federal Papua Barat; Eddison G. Waromi, yang terpilih perdana menteri; Agustus Makbrowen Senay, koordinator logistik’; Dominikus Sorabut, sekretaris dewan adat Wamena, dan Selpius Bobii, ketua panitia kongres itu.

Mereka dituduh melanggar KUHP Pasal 106 tentang makar. Mereka disidangkan di Pengadilan Negeri di Jayapura, ibukota Provinsi Papua dan divonis 20 tahun penjara.

Komisi mendesak pemerintah Indonesia untuk membiarkan media dan masyarakat internasional untuk meliput sidang itu sebagai bagian dari upaya menyampaikan informasi kepada publik dan komitmen damai menangani masalah-masalah di Papua.

“Kami juga mendesak pemerintah Indonesia untuk menjamin bahwa semua aparat penegak hukum tidak akan dipengaruhi oleh kepentingan politik,” lanjut komisi itu.